The Fremantle College Mathematics Learning Area strives to cultivate the mathematical curiosity of students while also developing their numerical competence. Mathematics develops the numerical skills and capabilities that all students need in their personal, work and social life, and enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently. It also assists learning across the curriculum and supports and contributes to the numeracy and literacy activities students engage in across all learning areas. This encourages confident, innovative users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate, represent and interpret situations as active citizens.
Lower School
Lower school courses in Years 7-10 are taught with a focus of improving the mathematical thinking process so classroom activities and assessments utilise problems to foster recognition of associations between mathematics and the real world. Throughout the teaching and learning process we incorporate the mathematical proficiencies of understanding, fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Lesson content is derived from the content strands of 3 content areas of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability in accordance with the Australian Curriculum syllabus. Mental maths forms an integral part of our lessons and assists with the development of students’ functional numeracy skills. All students in Year 7 and 9 participate in NAPLAN numeracy tests which assess the proficiency strands across the three content strands of mathematics.
Year 7
Year 7 students are placed in mainstream groups and study the core Year 7 course as per the West Australian curriculum. Students identified through pre-entry testing, such as the Gifted and Talented Selective Academic Program and those that are part of the Academic Excellence Academy (AE) based on their Year 6 results and NAPLAN performance, follow a compacted, accelerated and differentiated program. Students considered to be at educational risk are identified, and further developed with focussed intervention so that their individual needs can best be met. All Year 7 students do Common Assessment Tasks as well as additional formative assessment and projects within the extension programs.
Year 8
Class grouping for Year 8 are determined based on their achievement in Year 7 where students with similar achievement are placed together. Students that are part of the Gifted and Talented Selective Academic Program and Academic Excellence Academy complete all coursework and engage in academic extension work. An additional extension pathway is created with students who have shown strong mathematical ability in Year 7. Those students identified as below standard are provided with adapted Common Assessment Tasks with substantial scaffolding to build up confidence and engagement. Student achievement in Year 8 is used to determine placement in Year 9 Mathematics classes – this includes the Academic Excellence Academy class.
Year 9
Year 9 students are placed into classes based upon their Year 8 achievement. Students that are part of the Gifted and Talented Selective Academic Program and Academic Excellence Academy complete all coursework and engage in academic extension work. Those who display higher achievement will study content with greater emphasis on Algebra. Based on performance, changes can be made to classes during the year where possible to keep students of similar ability in the same group. Student achievement in Year 9 is used to determine placement in Year 10 Mathematics classes. Students considered to be at educational risk are identified, and further developed with focussed intervention so that their individual needs can best be met.
Year 10
Year 10 students are divided into separate pathways based on their achievement in Year 9. Those who display higher achievement will have more emphasis on Algebra in preparation for ATAR courses in Year 11.
During Year 10, students will be counselled and advised of their appropriate entry points into the post compulsory courses of study in Mathematics. This will be based on their achievement and their requirements for tertiary study.
Upper School
We provide senior secondary students of all levels of mathematical ability with a number of opportunities to progress their numerical skills and comprehension. Students employ various mathematical skills connected with calculus and algebra to reach strong conclusions that possess a level of accuracy and persuasion unique to the mathematics discipline. They learn to acquire an appreciation for the innate beauty of mathematics through the representation of real-world situations using numbers and symbols, while also developing concrete skills such as logical reasoning with conjecture, problem solving, and mathematical modelling. Options for further study are listed below.
MATHEMATICS METHODS (ATAR): Mathematics Methods is recommended for students who have excellent algebraic skills. Students utilise and combine skills learnt in lower school and apply them to solve mathematical problems that focus on the use of calculus and statistical analysis, including applications to real world contexts. This course is designed for students whose future pathways may involve mathematics and statistics and their applications in a range of disciplines at the tertiary level. The suggested prerequisite is an ‘A’ grade or strong ‘B’ grade in Year 10 Mathematics with teacher recommendation.
MATHEMATICS SPECIALIST (ATAR): Mathematics Specialist is recommended for students with a strong interest in mathematics and provides opportunities, beyond those presented in the Mathematics Methods course, to develop rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs, and to use mathematical models more extensively. The course contains topics in functions and calculus that build on and deepen the ideas presented in the Mathematics Methods course, as well as demonstrate their application in many areas. It must be studied in conjunction with the Mathematics Methods course as preparation for entry to specialised university courses such as engineering, physical sciences and mathematics. The suggested prerequisite is a solid “A” grade in Year 10 Mathematics with teacher recommendation.
MATHEMATICS APPLICATIONS (ATAR): Mathematics Applications is designed for students who want to extend their mathematical skills beyond Year 10 level, but whose future studies or employment pathways do not require knowledge of calculus. The course is designed for students who have a wide range of educational and employment aspirations, including continuing their studies at university or TAFE. The focus is on the use of mathematics to solve problems in contexts that covers growth and decay in sequences, financial modelling, network analysis and the statistical investigation process that involves analysing univariate and bivariate data. Students with a strong “C” grade or better in Year 10 Mathematics are recommended to do this course. It does require a strong commitment to study and demonstration of concept understanding.
MATHEMATICS ESSENTIAL (General): Mathematics Essential focuses on using mathematics effectively, efficiently and critically to make informed decisions. It provides students with the mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems in real contexts for a range of workplace, personal, further learning and community settings. This course provides the opportunity for students to prepare for post-school options of employment and further training. Students who attempt this course must complete a Year 10 Mathematics course
MATHEMATICS FOUNDATION (General): Mathematics Foundation is designed to assist students who have not yet demonstratedthe numeracy standard in the OLNA (online numeracy andliteracy assessment) and focuses on building capacity and confidence in the use ofmathematics to meet the numeracy standard to achieve aWACE.
We believe in the importance of promoting a positive attitude towards Mathematics, as this provides our students with the foundation to become lifelong learners. Our wonderfully committed staff members ensure a sense of confidence and attainment amongst our students by conveying explicit and engaging mathematical experiences.