Student Equity Fund:
On behalf of the Fremantle College Board, we are pleased to announce the introduction of the Student Equity Fund for 2025.
The Fremantle College Board has established this Fund in order to allow those who can afford to do so, to “Pay It Forward” to help the school to support the educational experience of students who may be facing financial challenges.
Understand more about the Student Equity Fund guidelines here
Applications for the Student Equity Fund will open in 2025.
The Student Equity Fund accepts non tax-deductible donations from local businesses and community members, parents and carers.
Donations can be made at the time of payments for Voluntary Contributions and Charges or at any time during the school year, on an ad hoc basis.
The School is going to seek tax deductible status for this Fund but there is no guarantee that we will obtain a tax deductible status. For now, anyone making a donation is advised that their donation is not tax deductible.
The Student Equity Fund is different to and separate from the Student Assistance Scheme. Students who receive SAS payments are also eligible to apply to the Student Equity Fund.
Payment Options:
Our preferred method of payment to the Student Equity Fund is via BPOINT Payment Portal, accessible via the below link;
Please ensure you select ‘Student Equity Fund’ from the drop down menu provided.