Congratulations to our 2018 Year 12 students, whose overall results were excellent for both our ATAR and VET pathway students. On Friday last week we met with a number of students who received a Certificate of Distinction or Certificate of Merit Awards. Well done, Kiana Ralph, Certificate of Distinction recipient with an ATAR score of 99.95, and our Certificate of Merit recipients, Riley Fisher, Steven Foster, Freya Mitson-Clarke and Jade Thompson.
Kiana Ralph was awarded a scholarship with Curtin University and will be studying Law, Arts and International Relations. Steven Foster will be studying Medical Science at UWA, Riley Fisher will be studying a Bachelor of Education at Curtin University, Freya will be studying Animal Science and Health and Murdoch University, and Jade Thompson will be studying a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Curtin University.
Overall, the success of our inaugural Year 12 cohort has been outstanding, with a large number of students accepting places at university. We are extremely proud of our 2018 Year 12 students and wish them well in all their future endeavours.