As part of our college Physical Education programme, we will be running the college swimming carnival on Wednesday 27 Feb 2019 between 11:11am & 2:50pm. Students who wish to participate in the carnival are required to nominate during their Health and Physical Education classes this week. Students will be receiving a letter if they have nominated informing parents of their participation in the carnival. For students who do not wish to participate in the carnival, all classes will run as per the normal college day with no disruption to normal curriculum delivery.
I would strongly encourage any student with an interest in swimming to participate as this is a fantastic opportunity for students to engage in competitive swimming at school and to support their fellow students. If you do not receive a letter over the next couple of days and you wish for your child to participate, please contact their Health and Physical Education teacher or HoLA Troy Kelly.
For Swimming Carnival Participants
The first two periods of school will operate as per normal and the Carnival will commence from the start of Period 3. Students will compete within year groups and your child may be selected to join our interschool swimming team to compete on 8 March at Fremantle College and 18 March at Challenge Stadium.
Further information:
• Date Wednesday 27 February 2019
• Start Period 3 until the end of Period 5 – students are to meet at the pool at the end of recess
• Students will be released from the pool area at 2.50pm
• Recess and lunch will operate as per the normal timetable
• School PE Uniform/ hat/bathers and sunscreen for competitors
• Members of the Supervising Team include the Physical Education staff
If you have any questions regarding this event, or if you do not wish your child to compete, please contact Troy Kelly, HOLA Physical Education, on 9338 8900.