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Inter school swimming champions!

On Thursday 8 March 2018, 60 Fremantle College students from Years 7 to 12 proudly represented the college in the first major inter school sport competition of the our inaugural year at the Interschool Swimming E Division Carnival held at HBF Stadium. These students were excited to be competing against other schools, strive for their personal best, and put Fremantle College on the map.

Our talented swimmers excelled, with many achieving personal best times and placing in the top three positions in their races. As a team, their hard work reaped the rewards with Fremantle College convincingly winning first place overall with 914 points, followed by Lynwood Senior High School on 756 points. This fantastic result means that Fremantle College will progress to competing in D division in 2019.

Congratulations to all students who contributed to this brilliant achievement - the college is proud of all of you!

A special mention to the following students who placed in the top three overall standings for their age group:

Year 7 Girls Runner Up - Oceana Ly

Year 8 Boys Runner Up - Thomas Ferguson

Year 9 Champion Girl - Ilaria Valtolina

Year 9 Boys Third Place - Christopher Tibbels

Year 10 Champion Girl - Shayla Hodzic

Year 10 Boys Runner Up - Jay Tigchelaar

Fremantle College Swim Champions
Team captains Rihari Kiki and Todd Hatcher with Shayla Hodzic and Ilaria Valtolina