
enrolments are now open! More info


From the Principal

What an exciting year it has been for the team at Fremantle College. The Fremantle College team is now moving into their final destination in the new college offices ready for the start of next year. We will be starting the year with over 250 students in Year 7, and additional classes in Years 8 and 10 to cater for our new enrolments.

It has been fantastic to see the community really get behind what Fremantle College is offering and our Specialist Programs resonate so well with students. We now have waiting lists for our Specialist Programs, with students applying from far and wide to access the outstanding opportunities that Fremantle College offers to students. It is great to have students to be able to engage in something they love doing and are passionate about on a daily basis at the college.

Our team has been busy this week in our local intake primary schools as invited guests at their graduation ceremonies. It has been wonderful to be a part of the celebration of our students’ primary school education and see them move off to their secondary school destinations of choice so well prepared. The award winners are to be congratulated and it is wonderful to see so many students taking advantage of Gifted and Talented Education. The performances we were fortunate to view were also wonderfully entertaining.

The Building project is coming along and nearing completion of phases 1 through 4. We look forward to the completion of the Library, HASS classrooms, staff offices, commercial kitchen, restaurant and the Access classrooms. Stage 5 of the building project, which includes a new Autism Extension Program centre, additional music facilities and ICT facilities, will be underway at the start of next year.

College Board nominations and elections will take place at the start of 2018. Please make sure you get your nomination ready for the inaugural College Board.

Our first cohort of Year 7 students entered the college in November to participate in our Orientation Day. Over 200 students had the opportunity to make new friends, meet some of their new teachers and view the new facilities that Fremantle College has to offer. Students participated in in interactive Scitech presentation, made music with Drumbeat and sampled classroom activities in English and HASS. A highlight for many was being involved in defeating the teaching staff in a lunchtime tug of war – staff may be calling for a re-match next year!

We look forward to welcoming the Year 7s back next year and have them participate in two days of activities, our Big Days In, giving them the opportunity to find out more about their new school and new classmates.

On Thursday 1 February Fremantle College will be officially opened by the Minister for Education, the Hon. Sue Ellery, with a presentation ceremony in the Performing Arts Centre. After 18 months of planning, it will be great to have Fremantle College in full operation mode with students and staff engaged with their learning. We look forward to celebrating this milestone with our community.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the community for your support, and wish you and your families all the best for the holidays. We look forward to seeing you back safe and sound for the 2018 school year.