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College Connect Week 9 Term 2 2018

From the Principal’s DeskMyles Draper Principal Fremantle College

At the end of this week you will receive the first semester report from Fremantle College. These will be sent electronically through the Connect portal. It is a great time to celebrate the achievements of your child and check whether they are on track to achieve their educational goals. The reports will provide you with a rich source of information on how your child has been going and highlight areas for improvement. The grade on a report represents how much your child has demonstrated their learning in each course across the semester. Every child is capable of achieving excellence and this report will open the door to a great conversation with your child, about their progress. Importantly, we also report on the college values of Curiosity, Enthusiasm for Learning, Kindness, Leadership and Perseverance. The demonstration of these values in their day to day school lives is an important aspect of a student’s overall development. Kindness was the highest ranked value for the majority of our students.

We have started presenting our academic awards this term for students who have achieved excellence in their studies, starting with the Year 11 & 12 students. Years 7 – 10 will be presented at their year group assemblies next term. I would like to congratulate all the students who are recipients of the awards and will be inviting them to our High Flyers lunch next term with a guest speaker who has pursued excellence in their chosen field. Attendance Awards are also being given out to the students who have achieved 100% attendance at the college. Each one of these students demonstrates one of the first building blocks of a great education, attending and participating. Unsurprisingly students who attend college regularly have demonstrated higher levels of academic achievement. I would encourage all of our community to take an active interest in how much their child is attending as improving attendance can be one of the best ways to improve your child’s academic, social and emotional outcomes at school.

It has been great to see the students grow over the past semester and look at how far we have come together as a college. Whilst there is still much to do and we will continually focus on improving the college experience for all students, the many and varied achievements of our students make us very proud.

I would like to thank our staff for their efforts and our community for their support to help make the college experience all that we want it to be for our students. Our college is a reflection of our community and only through working together can we tackle the challenges and continue to build a great college for everyone.

I hope you enjoy our newsletter. I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday break and look forward to seeing you all back next term. Monday 16 July is a School Development Day for staff. Students return to school on Tuesday 17 July.

Myles Draper, Principal


Timetable Changes for Semester Two

At the conclusion of Semester One, Fremantle College staff have been able to utilise achievement data from school reports in order to analyse the learning requirements of all students. Consequently, there will be a small number of class changes in years 7 to 10 in order to deliver a curriculum to students, that more accurately caters to their needs. These changes will affect approximately 20% of students in years 7 to 10.

New timetables will be issued on the first day back at school during period one assemblies.


Fremantle District Debating Competition 2018

The 3 teams representing Fremantle College in this District Competition have shown that we are a force to be reckoned with. The year 7 team has won both debates so far, and the year 8 and 10 teams have won a debate each. In the last debate held at Harrisdale Senior High School, all 3 teams also clinched the best speaker for all of their debates.

The debate team members include:

Year 7 – Sinon Shine, Tess Hosking, Chloe Jackson, Caitlin Wortlehock and Ethan Brennan

Year 8 – Mark Abarquez, Marianna Dall’Occo, Xavier Hill, Freda Rule, Harrison Saw

Year 10 – Isaac Smalley, Margherita Dall’Occo and Maryam Rezaie

The teams will be representing Fremantle College again at Lakeland Senior High School in Week 5 of Term 3. The debates will be hosted by Fremantle College in Week 9 of Term 3.


Mock Trials Competition 2018

The Law Society coordinates an inter-school Mock Trial Competition each year between students enrolled in years 10, 11 and 12.

A mock trial is a simulated court case in which teams contest a fictitious Western Australian (WA) legal matter presented in the WA court system. The cases are presented by two teams – a prosecution/plaintiff team and a defence team – made up of students playing the roles of barristers, solicitors, witnesses and court officials.

The Mock Trial Competition provides an enjoyable, dynamic way of introducing students to the law. It provides students with an opportunity to learn valuable skills in research and the development and presentation of a persuasive argument.

The Fremantle College team consists of mainly Year 10s, and 2 Year 11 students who volunteered their time. The students represented the College proudly and argued their cases vehemently against teams who have been doing the program for a while. Students who participate in the program are eligible to earn up to 2 WACE points that will go towards graduation.

Students will be able to participate in the program again in 2019. Year 11 students will be participating in it through the Politics and Law ATAR course and Year 10s may select it as an option for Semester 1.

Tress 4 Change Nyoongar Experience

As part of the Humanities and Social Sciences Extra-Curricular Program, students were given the opportunity to participate in the Tress 4 Change Nyoongar Experience. Over Monday and Tuesday of Week 7, over 50 students took part in tree planting activities organised by Trees4Change to rehabilitate degraded land, re-establish biodiversity and offset our Carbon emissions. Students were transported to Yangebup next to Little Rush Lakes.

Students also spent time in the nearby bushland with Nyoongar Elder David Walley learning about the natural environment from a Nyoongar perspective. Students were told about how the land has many uses and how it was treated sustainably. Students were also introduced to a number of words from the Nyoongar language and learnt about Nyoongar culture. Although it was raining during the talk, students were attentive and participated in the discussions and activities.

Once the talk was over students transitioned to the tree planting area where they managed to plant over 1500 different varieties of plants native to Australia including Kangaroo Paws and Banksia Browns.

Luckily the rain went away and the sun and warm weather allowed the students to enjoy the activity in the sun. Students stopped for recess and lunch and we went to Hungry Jacks as it was close to the planting area. At the end of the day students were transported back to Fremantle College where they waited as a group until the final bell rang. Although they were busy all day, students were in high spirits and well behaved.

AFL Academy

Term 2 has been a busy term for the Fremantle College Football Academy. Fremantle College has been proudly represented on the football field by its students in the following competitions:

  • Year 8/9 Eagles Schoolboys cup
  • Year 10/11/12 Senior Boys Football
  • Year 10/11/12 Freo Dockers Cup (Female)
  • Year 7 male and female A division lightning carnival
  • Year 9 male B division lightning carnival

It was amazing to see the students representing the College in our brand new football uniforms and to see how each of the teams came together to provide enjoyable experiences for all that were involved.

A major highlight of the term was the performance of the Year 8 boys team who competed in the Eagles Schoolboys cup. This side was made up of students who are in the Fremantle College Year 8 Football Academy. Often competing against schools with teams made up of predominantly year 9 students, the boys demonstrated a tremendous amount of resilience, refusing to give up in each of our games. This attitude resulted in Fremantle College defeating Emmanuel College in our Round 4 fixture and John Curtin in our final fixture for the year. The boys should be extremely proud of how they conducted themselves on and off the field and we look forward to the football future that these boys have at Fremantle College.

The College’s partnership with the Stephen Michael Foundation and the South Fremantle Football Club has provided a number of amazing opportunities for our football students this term. Our year 7 students hosted students from Meekatharra earlier in the term, conducting a skills clinic and then enjoying a talk from West Coast Eagles player, Brendon Ah Chee. It was an amazing opportunity for our students to interact with the students from Meekatharra, and we are looking forward to that continued partnership as the year progresses.

Term 3 is shaping up to be another exciting term for the Fremantle College Football Academy. The year 7/8/9 Fremantle Dockers Cup commences for our female students, for which training has already commenced. The girls are very excited about performing well as a team and representing the College, some for the first time. The year 8 lightning carnival will also be taking place in term 3, and this will provide an opportunity for male and female students from year 8 to represent the College on the football field.

Thank you to the parents/guardians of our football students who have been fantastic in getting students to early morning sessions, after school trainings and games. The football academy could not function without your continued support and I know that both the staff and students appreciate your support.

We look forward to another successful term for the Fremantle College Football Academy!

Michelle Traynor & Tim Basile

Fremantle College AFL Coordinators & Health and Physical Education


Western Australia Debating League 2018

WADL is the leading debating organisation in Western Australia, and the state’s sole affiliate of the Australian Debating Federation. They host the largest high school debating competition in Western Australia, as well as other competitions and programs. WADL is also responsible for selecting the West Australian State Debating Team, which represents WA at the annual National Schools Debating Championship.

This year, we registered our inaugural Year 7 and Year 10 teams. The students have had an excellent time gaining experience as debaters, competing against seasoned debaters from other schools.

Our year 7 teams have done really well. Of the 10 debates that we competed in, we came out tops for 7 debates. This has spurred the students onto more debates, and we will be back for 2019.

Ken Wyatt Cup

On Wednesday the 21st of June, 17 Girls represented Fremantle College at the Ken Wyatt Cup in Maddington. Working closely with Shannon and Simon from the Wirrapanda Foundation, the students competed against other schools from the local area in an AFL carnival. The Ken Wyatt Cup also provided an opportunity for the girls to hear from presenters from a wide range of employment opportunity groups, including the Western Australian Police Force, the Fire Department and the Australian Defence Force.

On the field the girls played a really exciting brand of football, demonstrating the wide range of talents that our students have. It was great to see the girls come together as a team and enjoy their football, and the Fremantle College staff were extremely proud of the way that all the girls conducted themselves.

This day would not have been possible without the support of the Wirrapanda Foundation staff and the tremendous amount of work that was put in prior to the event by Meryl Oltmans, the Fremantle College AIEO.

Congratulations to all the girls that were involved in the Ken Wyatt Cup, you represented yourself and the College proudly.

Year 10 Marine Camp

As the semester wraps up, our Year 10 students are currently in Coral Bay learning first-hand about the world heritage listed Ningaloo Reef and all of its wonder. Some of these students are completing their Open Water Diver certification and doing very well. We are also swimming with and abundance of marine life including various Corals, Manta Rays, Sharks, Turtles and Hump Back Whales. Our year 9 students have finished their stand up surfing program with Go Surf. The instructors have repeatedly told our teachers how impressed they are with our student’s capacity to take on feedback, their polite nature and can do attitude. The year 9 and 10 students should be proud of themselves to receive this feedback – their teachers certainly are. The year 7 and 8 students have also been down the beach braving the cold weather completing their bodyboarding programs. These students have again impressed, with their attitude and determination in improving their skills in the water while also their knowledge of being able to ‘read the beach’.

The year 8 Camp to Woodman Point will take place in week 6 term 3 for 2 nights at Woodman Point Camp School (Mon 20th August – Wed 22nd August). Information regarding this will be sent home at the beginning of term 3. I would like to wish all our students and their families a safe and happy break.

Follow the Dream – Chevron Aboriginal School Scholarship Program

This year Chevron has continued to build on its fantastic partnership with Fremantle College that was originally developed through Hamilton Senior High School prior to the creation of Fremantle College. Chevron supports 20 students across the state with the Aboriginal School Scholarship Program (ASSP) and this year we are incredibly grateful to have 7 of our students receiving the scholarship.

This scholarship includes $3500 to be used for school purposes, as well as a unique opportunity to take part in a careers based mentoring program held at Chevron three times throughout the year. The ASSP Chevron visits are designed to expose students to the Oil & Gas industry by giving them the chance to spend some time with a Chevron mentor who showcases the different work they undertake, as well as providing the students with the opportunity to develop critical interpersonal skills such as communication, relationship building, networking etc. The ongoing visits provide the students with the opportunity to understand the different pathways they can take after school that will lead them in the direction they are interested in.

All of our students had a great day at the Chevron offices for their first visit and really enjoyed having a mentor to help support them through the day. Students are looking forward to their next visit as the mentors will be taking them for a tour through their respective departments of the company for a closer look at what’s involved in their job.

Specialist Music Program – Term 2 Showcases

In week 8 we presented three showcases, featuring twenty different bands and 120 Specialist Music Students from years 7 to 12. These performances showed off the great start the College’s Specialist Music Program has made and the massive progress the students have already achieved in just their first semester. Including numerous original songs written by students there was a wide variety of music performed. Our youngest were of particular note, having just returned from their Year 7 & 8 Intensive Rehearsal Camp and blowing us away with how far they have come in such a short time!

Specialist Music Program Camp

In week 7 our year 7 & 8 Specialist Music Students attended an intensive rehearsal camp at Serpentine Camping Centre. In addition to lots of rehearsals students wrote new songs, learnt about building a media presence, took part in band photo shoot, did team building activities, sang songs around a camp fire and a performed in a camp showcase.

Our specialist teachers were very impressed with how hard our youngest musicians worked during the camp and the huge progress they made was very apparent at our end of term showcases in week 8.

Performing Arts Academy

The Year 7 Specialist Performing Arts Night was held on the evening of the 18th June in the new College theatre and was a huge success. The large audience of parents and friends were entertained by a range of drama scenes and songs which showcased the work of these talented students as well as the technical capabilities of this wonderful theatre. The evening allowed students to hone their performance skills and experience the duties undertaken by backstage crew, such as scene changes and technical operations. The future certainly looks bright for the Performing Arts at Fremantle College, as these students soon move into Year 8 and a new group of Year 7 Specialist Performing Arts students join them in the Performing Arts Academy.

The first round of auditions has recently been held in the College Theatre for the 2019 intake. A large group of amazing Year 6 applicants from surrounding primary schools were auditioned for their abilities in acting, movement and singing using a scene and song from ‘The Lion King.’ The quality of auditionees was very impressive, overall, and we thank all parents and students who gave up their time to prepare their performances and attend on the day. Offers for places in the 2019 program will be sent out to parents shortly. A second round of auditions may soon be occurring for those who could not attend or did not apply, so please contact Fremantle College to register your child’s interest in this exciting and unique performance program.

We wish to thank all of our wonderful senior Drama students who generously assisted us in the backstage and front-of-house operations at the Performing Arts Night. These students include: Jack Farmer, Sharna Green, Emily Henney, Ashleigh Hogan, Tiffany Jones, Lewis McKernan, Lee Rey and Nikki Thompson.

John Bate Junior Life Saver of  the Year Award

Congratulations to Fremantle College students, Connor Ratcliffe, Cody Symons-Smeath and James Kristensen who won the Coogee Surf Life Saving Club season 2017/2018 Junior Surf Life Saving Award and to Connor Ratcliffe also won Green Patrol Award.

This prestigious award recognises and rewards members under the age of 18 who have made an outstanding contribution to the delivery and development of surf lifesaving frontline services, aimed at active surf lifesavers undertaking lifesaving duties and who can be presented as an identifiable “Ambassador” for surf lifesaving within the Club and Community.

Connor, Cody & James signed up to complete the Bronze Medallion course beginning in October and ran over 8 weeks. Their dedication to getting their own way to and from the training along with their commitment and participation was second to none. After they completed the course in December, they each have clocked up countless hours on patrol as they are at the beach most of the day Saturday & Sunday doing every single patrol possible, along with assisting with Water Safety Events. Generally first to come and last to leave, always lending a hand wherever is needed. They are all a huge asset to their surf lifesaving club and community.

Junior Life Saving Award Fremantle College

Photography: Steven Powell from The Noman Company.

Fremantle College students with life member John Bate.


Health Centre

Are you concerned about your teenagers weight? We are here to help you and your family in any way that we can together with all the physical activities that are organised by our wonderful school.

There is a free program available to you called the OWL (Optimal Weight for Life) program. You will be given a Health Assessment and personalised plan for your child and family. There will also be follow-up visits to help you keep on track. Please click on the below link for further information:http://www.nurseprac.com.au/

You may also like to peruse the  HealthyWA  government site for information such as stats that show 1 in 4 Australian children were overweight or obese in 2014/15 (AIHW). Not only will our children suffer from chronic constipation though there are increased risks for future cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.  Lets work together as a community and give our students the best start in life.



NAIDOC week celebrations will be held Week 5 being 13 to 17 August.

Help Fight Hunger This Winter

Fremantle College have joined forces with the SMYL Leadership Program to fight hunger this winter. Appeal  from Monday 28th May to Friday 15th June.

“The problem of food insecurity and hunger in WA might surprise you. Foodbank help some 55,000 Western Australian’s every month, but research shows that at least 16,000 people are left hungry because there is just not enough food in the welfare sector to meet demand. Around 40% are children, living in some of the State’s lowest income households.

Foodbank WA supports more than 94,000 people each month, a third are children. Demand for food relief continues to grow, with more than 13,000 West Australians being turned away each month.

Through the School Food Appeal, Foodbank are asking students to donate healthy winter foods such as soups, canned meals, tuna and other tinned fish and canned fruits and vegetables – basically all non-perishable packaged foods.

Foodbank boxes have been placed in the Front office, Library and Conference Room in Student Services, where donations can be dropped off. Alternatively, cash donations are accepted and I will purchase cans on yourbehalf.  Just one can will make a difference!  Thank you to staff who have already generously donated to this Appeal.

Foodbank Appeal Fremantle College


Notre Dame Upcoming Events July/August

For more information and to register for any events, visit notredame.edu.au/events

A Day in the Life of a Uni Student
Friday 6 July

Year 10, 11 and 12 students are invited to Notre Dame’s Fremantle Campus for A Day in the Life of a University Student to experience what student life at Notre Dame is really like! Visit our campus, take part in lectures and activities, enjoy a tour of our town university, and meet current students and academics.

1-on-1 Advice Sessions

July 9-July 13

Considering your uni options but unsure of the right degree for you? Book in for a 1-on-1 advice session at the Fremantle Campus during the July school holidays. Speak with our advisors about degrees that align with your strengths and interests and how to apply.

Notre Dame Open Day
Sunday 19 August

Kick-start your uni journey at the Notre Dame Open Day. Enjoy the atmospheric Fremantle campus, check out the facilities, enjoy music, food and games and get involved in the festivities.

Notre Dame University


Clontarf Hill Community Planting Day

Winter is here! Join us for our annual Clontarf Hill community planting day. Meet at the Clontarf Road side of the hill from 10am, Sunday 1 July. Free BBQ and other surprises! Please bring gloves, a hat, a spade, sturdy shoes and your friendly Sunday morning smiles.