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Coronavirus Update – COVID-19

Dear Parents and Caregivers

We would like to provide you with some further information in regards to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Department of Education is in contact with us regularly and is acting on the advice of the Department of Health.

Information regarding your child

Attendance at school

Who cannot attend school

Students or staff cannot attend school and need to self-quarantine if they have:

a)       left or transited through mainland China in the last 14 days, they must isolate themselves for 14 days from the date of leaving mainland China;

b)      left or transited through Iran on or after 1 March, they must isolate themselves for 14 days after leaving Iran;

c)       left or transited through the Republic of Korea, on or after 5 March, they must isolate themselves for 14 days after leaving the Republic of Korea;

d)      left or transited through Italy in the last 14 days, they must isolate themselves for 14 days from the date of leaving Italy;

e)      been informed by public health authorities that they have been in close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus, they must isolate themselves for 14 days after the date of last contact with the confirmed case.

Students or staff who have been tested for COVID-19 should follow the advice of the Department of Health and stay away from school whilst awaiting results.

The above also applies to all parents/carers, contractors, visitors and volunteers on school sites.

Who can attend school

Students or staff who have travelled to or transited through other countries (excluding China, Iran, Republic of Korea and Italy) can attend school.  If students or staff display symptoms (see information below) they should not attend school and seek medical advice.

Higher Risk Moderate Risk
Must isolate for 14 days prior to attending Can attend school, but self-monitor
·                     Mainland China All other countries
·                     Iran  
·                     Republic of Korea ·                     Italy  

DISCLAIMER: Information on countries at risk changes daily and we advise you to check the Department of Health for current information https://www.health.gov.au/

If my child presents with cold and flu symptoms at home what should I do?

We encourage you to keep your child at home even if they only have common cold symptoms.

If your child presents with these symptoms and HAS HAD POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO THE VIRUS, then they should not return to school until they have medical confirmation that they do not have the virus.

If your child has epidemiological history or potential contact we recommend you take them to one of three fever clinics setup at Fiona Stanley Hospital, Royal Perth Hospital and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, which are open from 8am to 8pm 7 days a week.  

Our family has been in close contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus what do I do?

Your child cannot come to school and you must contact Student Services by phone to inform us of your particular circumstance. Your family need to isolate themselves for 14 days after the date of last contact with the confirmed case.

If my child presents with cold and flu symptoms at school what should they do?

Tell their classroom teacher who will ask them to go to Student Services where staff will follow the processes recommended from the Department of Health.

What is this process at Fremantle College?

Students will be dealt with on a case by case basis depending on circumstances surrounding the child. Parents/caregivers will be contacted as necessary.

If my child is worried/upset about coming to school what can I tell them?

The Department of Health advises that the risk of transmission in Western Australia is low and they are monitoring the situation. We are acting on their advice to take any necessary precautions for students and staff, with the current focus on preparation in advance of COVID-19 and precautions that can be put in place to slow its transmission.

What precautions should my child take?

The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is by practicing good hand hygiene and sneeze/cough etiquette. This includes:

·         Frequently washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water, and pat dry with paper towel/ Or by using an alcohol-based hand gel (Aqium Gel).

·         Refraining from touching mouth and nose.

·         If coughing or sneezing, covering your nose and mouth with a paper tissue or flexed elbow – dispose of the tissue immediately after use and perform hand hygiene as above

·         Avoiding close contact with anyone if you, or they, have a cold or flu-like symptoms (maintain a distance of at least 1 metre)

·         Regularly clean surfaces (mobile phones, handsets, keyboards) with detergent wipes or alco based wipes

What is the school doing to minimise the impact?

  • There is hand soap in all toilets and this is filled regularly.
  • Throughout the day we are wiping down hand railings, door handles and bench tops.
  • Cleaning staff are vigilant in their regular cleaning processes.

What will happen with performances, assemblies, social events, parent evenings and other events?

All performances are currently going ahead as scheduled. We will continue to take advice from the Department of Health and will keep you advised if anything changes.

What action do I take if my family has international travel booked in the near future/upcoming holidays?

If your family is planning any international travel during the school holidays to the higher risk countries of Mainland China, Iran and Republic of Korea, then, on return, your child must isolate for 14 days before returning to school. Please inform Student Services if you will be travelling to these high risk countries before you leave.

If you travel in or transit through “higher risk” countries or a country considered to pose a “moderate risk” of transmission your family should self-monitor for symptoms and immediately isolate if you become unwell. Your child cannot come to school and you must contact Student Services by phone to inform us of your particular circumstances.

If you are planning on travelling please follow the most current Australian Government travel advice visit https://smartraveller.gov.au

Does the school recommend flu vaccinations?

Yes, we do.